Fort Morgan Concert Details
Season tickets apply for this concert. For non-members tickets are $20 and are available at the door. << Morgan County Concert Association Website >>
The auditorium seats about 600 including the balcony. Tickets are sold for $20 at the door for that evening’s concert or, if you don’t mind the drive, you can buy a season membership for $45/adult, $15/student, or $100/group (two adults and any number of children from the same household). They have four more concerts this season in Ft. Morgan (see They also have reciprocal agreements with associations in Loveland, Cheyenne, Kimball (NE) and Holyoke (CO) — so anyone who purchases a membership with Fort Morgan may attend any of their concerts at no extra charge. This could be a good idea for those who live near one of these cities.
If you would prefer to purchase single tickets or season memberships, you may contact Marcia Washburn at her email: and she will see that they are mailed to you (or held at the venue if your purchase is too close to the date to mail them).
Directions: When coming to the concert, travel on I-76 and take Exit 80. Turn south (right if you’re coming from the west) at the bottom of the exit ramp. You will pass Arby’s, Taco Bell, Dairy Queen, and McDonald’s. At the first stoplight turn left (east) onto Riverview. In a few blocks you will come to Ft. Morgan High School (709 E. Riverview Ave., Ft. Morgan, CO). Turn left into the parking lot to enter from the west end of the building.
This is a rare concert in Colorado. Invite your friends and families. It will be a night you won’t forget! Calvin is performing on their 9′ Steinway D Concert grand piano. In addition he is bringing new videos as well as his orchestra in a box! You will not want to miss this one. It is worth the drive.
Other concerts by Calvin in this tour are listed at his << Concerts Page >>